31 January 2011

3/365 Stick insect

I rescued this little stick insect from a spider's web on the side of the shed this morning, depositing it into the leaves. I then had a chance to watch it, and wondered for a moment what is it actually like to be a funny-looking creature like that? You can see plenty of awareness of all the vegetation around: it would reach across to the next leaf, climbing it's way across without any trouble. And the 'face' formed by those two eyes and two antennae has a surprising amount of character! Quite neat actually. (But it's surprisingly hard to get a good picture of a tiny, moving creature like that...this probably isn't technically the best - but it's probably the best view of the way the insect was reaching across to the next leaf...)

A good reminder of the richness of the world going on around you all the time, if you just pay genuine, quiet attention, for but a moment.

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